Stunning Picture Book by a Bestselling Author Illustrates the Value of Refugees
Sugar in Milk by Thrity Umrigar, Illustrated by Khoa Le (on sale October 6th)
Thrity Umrigar is an award-winning novelist known for writing books that depict Indian, Indian American, and American characters with poignancy and nuance. This fall, the world of readers will see a new kind of story from her, the beautiful and impactful picture book Sugar in Milk, illustrated by Khoa Le.
When I first came to this country, I felt so alone. A young immigrant girl joins her aunt and uncle in a new country that is unfamiliar to her. She struggles with loneliness, with a fierce longing for the culture and familiarity of home, until one day, her aunt takes her on a walk. As the duo strolls through their city park, the girl’s aunt begins to tell her an old myth, and a story within the story begins.

A long time ago, a group of refugees arrived on a foreign shore. The local king met them, determined to refuse their request for refuge. But there was a language barrier, so the king filled a glass with milk and pointed to it as a way of saying that the land was full and couldn’t accommodate the strangers. Then, the leader of the refugees dissolved sugar in the glass of milk. His message was clear: Like sugar in milk, our presence in your country will sweeten your lives. The king embraced the refugee, welcoming him and his people. This story is depicted beautifully with incredible illustrations by Khoa Le, each spread feeling like a museum painting.
The folktale depicted in this book was a part of author Thrity Umrigar’s upbringing as a Parsi child in India. The legend of how a small group of Zoroastrians, fleeing religious persecution after the Arab invasions of their native Persia, arrived in India as refugees is more than a thousand years old and, as Thrity puts it, “is part of the DNA of every Parsi (as the Zoroastrians of India are known) child, a Miss Manners handbook of sorts, a manual of how to conduct oneself in life.”
Thrity carried the tale with her when she immigrated to America at age twenty-one, drawing on it for inspiration as she fell in love with her new homeland and eventually became an author. As she began to have her own author events, she would end her book talks by telling this story. Says Thrity, “The effect it had on audiences was electrifying. People sighed audibly, their eyes glistened with tears, they smiled and laughed and clapped. This happened every single time I told the story, regardless of the composition of the audience. It was as if people were thirsty for an inspiring story about kindness and generosity and one with a happy ending. And I realized the power of this legend, the universality of its message.”
This is a story for all children of all backgrounds. The simple message illustrated in the folktale communicates an important concept: that everyone benefits from diversity. Additionally, child immigrant readers will find a mirror in the girl of the story and comfort in the folktale itself.
A Peek inside the Book:

About the Author
Thrity Umrigar is the author of the bestseller The Space Between Us and its recently released sequel, The Secrets Between Us, as well as many other acclaimed novels for adults. Her debut picture book, When I Carried You in My Belly, was published with Running Press Kids in 2017. She lives outside Cleveland, OH.
About the Illustrator
Khoa Le is an illustrator, graphic designer, and author based in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. She has been an illustrator for many picture books, as well as author of a few. Khoa has also participated in art exhibitions throughout Vietnam and Asia. She currently lives with her four cats. She has a passion for traveling and discovering different cultures and art.
SUGAR IN MILK by Thrity Umrigar, Illus. Khoa Le
Running Press Kids • Ages 4-8 • PK – Grade 3
$17.99 US • $22.99 CAN
• 7 3/8 x 11 • 48 pages • Trade Hardcover
ISBN: 9780762495191 • ebook: 9780762495214
On sale Oct. 6, 2020